
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /favicon.ico
# Route name Path Log
1 tachescrons.index /tachescrons/{id}/{token} Path does not match
2 tachescrons.facture.retard /tachescronsretard/{id}/{token} Path does not match
3 tachescrons.facture.retardj3 /tachescronsfactures/j3/{id}/{token} Path does not match
4 tachescrons.facture.retardj10 /tachescronsfactures/j10/{id}/{token} Path does not match
5 tachescrons.devis.j3 /tachescronsdevis/j3/{id}/{token} Path does not match
6 tachescrons.devis.j5 /tachescronsdevis/j5/{id}/{token} Path does not match
7 tachescrons.entrants.j3 /tachescronsentrants/j3/{id}/{token} Path does not match
8 tachescrons.devis.j10 /tachescronsdevis/j10/{id}/{token} Path does not match
9 home / Path does not match
10 pdfs_generator.devis /pdfs/generator/devis/{id} Path does not match
11 pdfs_generator.facture /pdfs/generator/facture/{id} Path does not match
12 app_register /register/{tokenContact} Path does not match
13 app_register_prestataire /registerprestataire/{tokenContact} Path does not match
14 request_resetting /renouvellement-mot-de-passe/requete Path does not match
15 resetting /renouvellement-mot-de-passe/{id}/{token} Path does not match
16 app.roadmaps_show /roadmaps/detail/{id} Path does not match
17 login /login Path does not match
18 logincrm /logincrm Path does not match
19 login_success /login_success Path does not match
20 crm.categories_roadmaps_index /crm/categories/roadmaps/ Path does not match
21 crm.categories_roadmaps_new /crm/categories/roadmaps/new Path does not match
22 crm.categories_roadmaps_show /crm/categories/roadmaps/detail/{id} Path does not match
23 crm.categories_roadmaps_edit /crm/categories/roadmaps/edit/{id} Path does not match
24 crm.categories_roadmaps_delete /crm/categories/roadmaps/delete/{id} Path does not match
25 crm.clients_index /crm/clients/ Path does not match
26 crm.clients_new /crm/clients/new/{entrant} Path does not match
27 crm.clients_show /crm/clients/detail/{id} Path does not match
28 crm.clients_edit /crm/clients/edit/{id} Path does not match
29 crm.clients_delete /crm/clients/delete/{id} Path does not match
30 crm.contacts_index /crm/contacts/ Path does not match
31 crm.contacts_new /crm/contacts/new/{client} Path does not match
32 crm.contacts_show /crm/contacts/detail/{id} Path does not match
33 crm.contacts_edit /crm/contacts/edit/{id} Path does not match
34 crm.contacts_delete /crm/contacts/delete/{id} Path does not match
35 crm.contacts_setprincipal /crm/contacts/setprincipal/{client}/{contact} Path does not match
36 crm.contacts_settoken /crm/contacts/settoken/{contact} Path does not match
37 crm.contacts_creerlien /crm/contacts/creerlien/{contact} Path does not match
38 crm.contactsprestataires_index /crm/contactsprestataires/ Path does not match
39 crm.contactsprestataires_new /crm/contactsprestataires/new/{prestataire} Path does not match
40 crm.contactsprestataires_show /crm/contactsprestataires/detail/{id} Path does not match
41 crm.contactsprestataires_edit /crm/contactsprestataires/edit/{id} Path does not match
42 crm.contactsprestataires_delete /crm/contactsprestataires/delete/{id} Path does not match
43 crm.contactsprestataires_setprincipal /crm/contactsprestataires/setprincipal/{prestataire}/{contact} Path does not match
44 getcoordonnees /crm/contactsprestataires/coordonnees/{id} Path does not match
45 crm.contactsprestataires_settoken /crm/contactsprestataires/settoken/{contact} Path does not match
46 crm.contactsprestataires_creerlien /crm/contactsprestataires/creerlien/{contact} Path does not match
47 crm.tdb /crm/ Path does not match
48 crm.statistiques /crm/statistiques Path does not match
49 crm.monprofil /crm/monprofil Path does not match
50 crm.change_darkmode /crm/changedarkmode/{newmode} Path does not match
51 rechsoc /crm/rechsoc/ Path does not match
52 crm.tache_faite /crm/changetache/{id} Path does not match
53 crm.stats_bars_statuts /crm/stats/statuts/{dateDeb}/{dateFin} Path does not match
54 app_depenses_index /crm/depenses/ Path does not match
55 crm.depenses_new /crm/depenses/new/{event} Path does not match
56 crm.depenses_edit /crm/depenses/edit/{id} Path does not match
57 crm.depenses_delete /crm/depenses/delete/{id} Path does not match
58 crm.devis_index /crm/devis/liste/{filtre} Path does not match
59 crm.devis_new /crm/devis/new/{event}/{formule} Path does not match
60 crm.devis_show /crm/devis/detail/{id} Path does not match
61 crm.devis_edit /crm/devis/edit/{id} Path does not match
62 crm.devis_delete /crm/devis/delete/{id} Path does not match
63 crm.devis_changestatut /crm/devis/changestatut/{id} Path does not match
64 crm.devis_envoyer /crm/devis/envoyer/{id} Path does not match
65 crm.devis_majrelance /crm/devis/majrelance/{id} Path does not match
66 crm.entrants_index /crm/entrants/ Path does not match
67 crm.entrants_archives /crm/entrants/archives Path does not match
68 crm.entrants_new /crm/entrants/new Path does not match
69 crm.entrants_show /crm/entrants/detail/{id} Path does not match
70 crm.entrants_archiver /crm/entrants/archiver/{id} Path does not match
71 crm.entrants_marquerlu /crm/entrants/marquerlu/{id} Path does not match
72 crm.entrants_edit /crm/entrants/{id}/edit Path does not match
73 crm.entrants_delete /crm/entrants/delete/{id} Path does not match
74 crm.entrants_attribuer /crm/entrants/attribuer/{id} Path does not match
75 crm.entrants_majrelance /crm/entrants/majrelance/{id} Path does not match
76 crm.entrants_envoyer /crm/entrants/envoyer/{id} Path does not match
77 crm.events_index /crm/events/liste/{filtre} Path does not match
78 crm.events_archives /crm/events/archives/ Path does not match
79 crm.events_new /crm/events/new/{client} Path does not match
80 crm.events_show /crm/events/detail/{id} Path does not match
81 crm.events_edit /crm/events/edit/{id} Path does not match
82 crm.events_delete /crm/events/delete/{id} Path does not match
83 crm.docevent_new /crm/events/docevent/new/{event} Path does not match
84 crm.docevent_delete /crm/events/docevent/delete/{id} Path does not match
85 crm.maj_blocnote /crm/events/maj/blocnote/{id} Path does not match
86 crm.event_notesclient_edit /crm/events/maj/notesclient/{id} Path does not match
87 crm.event_remove_prestataire /crm/events/maj/removeprestataire/{event} Path does not match
88 crm.factures_index /crm/factures/ Path does not match
89 crm.factures_new /crm/factures/generer/{devis} Path does not match
90 crm.factures_show /crm/factures/detail/{id} Path does not match
91 crm.factures_delete /crm/factures/delete/{id} Path does not match
92 crm.factures_envoyer /crm/factures/envoyer/{id} Path does not match
93 crm.formules_index /crm/formules/ Path does not match
94 crm.formules_new /crm/formules/new Path does not match
95 crm.formules_show /crm/formules/detail/{id} Path does not match
96 crm.formules_edit /crm/formules/edit/{id} Path does not match
97 crm.formules_delete /crm/formules/delete/{id} Path does not match
98 crm.formules_monter_ordre /crm/formules/monter/ordre/{id} Path does not match
99 crm.formules_descendre_ordre /crm/formules/descendre/ordre/{id} Path does not match
100 crm.histos_new /crm/histos/new/{client} Path does not match
101 crm.histos_show /crm/histos/detail/{id} Path does not match
102 crm.histos_edit /crm/histos/edit/{id} Path does not match
103 crm.histos_delete /crm/histos/delete/{id} Path does not match
104 crm.prestataires_index /crm/prestataires/ Path does not match
105 crm.prestataires_new /crm/prestataires/new Path does not match
106 crm.prestataires_show /crm/prestataires/detail/{id} Path does not match
107 crm.prestataires_edit /crm/prestataires/edit/{id} Path does not match
108 crm.prestataires_delete /crm/prestataires/delete/{id} Path does not match
109 crm.prestataires_rattacher /crm/prestataires/rattacher/{event} Path does not match
110 crm.prestataires_majstatut /crm/prestataires/majstatut/{id} Path does not match
111 crm.prestataires_delete_facture /crm/prestataires/delete/facture/{id} Path does not match
112 crm.produits_index /crm/produits/ Path does not match
113 crm.produits_new /crm/produits/new Path does not match
114 crm.produits_show /crm/produits/detail/{id} Path does not match
115 crm.produits_edit /crm/produits/edit/{id} Path does not match
116 crm.produits_delete /crm/produits/delete/{id} Path does not match
117 getprod /crm/produits/getprod/{id} Path does not match
118 crm.roadmap_items_new /crm/roadmap/items/new/{id} Path does not match
119 crm.roadmap_items_edit /crm/roadmap/items/edit/{id} Path does not match
120 crm.roadmap_items_delete /crm/roadmap/items/delete/{id} Path does not match
121 crm.taches_index /crm/taches/ Path does not match
122 crm.taches_new /crm/taches/new/{event} Path does not match
123 crm.taches_show /crm/taches/detail/{id} Path does not match
124 crm.taches_edit /crm/taches/edit/{id} Path does not match
125 crm.taches_delete /crm/taches/delete/{id} Path does not match
126 crm.tags_index /crm/tags/ Path does not match
127 crm.tags_new /crm/tags/new Path does not match
128 crm.tags_show /crm/tags/detail/{id} Path does not match
129 crm.tags_edit /crm/tags/edit/{id} Path does not match
130 crm.tags_delete /crm/tags/delete/{id} Path does not match
131 crm.users_index /crm/users/ Path does not match
132 crm.users_new /crm/users/new Path does not match
133 crm.users_show /crm/usersshow/{id} Path does not match
134 crm.users_edit /crm/users/edit/{id} Path does not match
135 crm.users_delete /crm/users/delete/{id} Path does not match
136 dashboard.tdb /dashboard/ Path does not match
137 dashboard.event /dashboard/event/{event}/{tab}/{devis} Path does not match
138 dashboard.event.partager /dashboard/partager/{event} Path does not match
139 dashboard.demander /dashboard/demander Path does not match
140 dashboard.demandenvoi /dashboard/demandenvoi Path does not match
141 app.devis_show /devis/detail/{id}/{urlcode} Path does not match
142 app.devis_voir /devis/voir/{id} Path does not match
143 app.devis_yousign /devis/yousign/{id} Path does not match
144 app.devis_yousign_erreur /devis/yousign/erreur/{id} Path does not match
145 app.devis_yousign_success /devis/yousign/success/{id} Path does not match
146 app.devis_signe /devis/signer/{id} Path does not match
147 app.devis_yousign_download /devis/yousign/telecharger/devis/{id} Path does not match
148 app.yousign_webhook_success /devis/yousign/webhook/success Path does not match
149 app.factures_voir /factures/voirfacture/{id} Path does not match
150 prestataires.contactsprestataires_new /prestataires/contactsprestataires/new/{prestataire} Path does not match
151 prestataires.contactsprestataires_edit /prestataires/contactsprestataires/edit/{id} Path does not match
152 prestataires.contactsprestataires_delete /prestataires/contactsprestataires/delete/{id} Path does not match
153 prestataires.contactsprestataires_setprincipal /prestataires/contactsprestataires/setprincipal/{prestataire}/{contact} Path does not match
154 prestataires.tdb /prestataires/ Path does not match
155 prestataires.event /prestataires/event/{event}/{tab}/{devis} Path does not match
156 prestataires.factureprestataires_new /prestataires/factureprestataires/new/{event} Path does not match
157 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
158 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
159 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
160 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
161 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
162 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
163 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
164 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
165 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
166 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
167 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
168 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
169 logout /logout Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.